Osprey, finally!


TPF Noob!
Nov 16, 2012
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United States
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Finally got invited out to find osprey, and we found 'em, up to 8 at a time buzzing around fishing. It was very fun, and I am beat. Sore back, sore neck, sore everything. lol.

Naturally the sun was on the wrong side of the bank, private property on other side so we were stuck with what got. Super fun though. I have about 1300 shots to sort through, so I'll be updating whenever I do.

Here is one for now. :)

Nice capture! Down on the Penobscot?
Nice shots. Those that hang out in my part of the world are just starting to arrive. I guess I will have to go and see if I can find some.

Nice work! 1300 clicks is a workload! Can't wait to see more.
They are awesome to watch aren't they?
Incredible! Post more soon. :)
Thanks for the comments. I only got through about ten more then I had to go shoot the band. so I gotta process those first as I was hired to cover a birthday while the band played.

I will have more up soon though.

It was more fun than I can express. If you have a chance to shoot birds of prey in action...I highly recommend it. If not for the photos, at least for the experience. It truly was a fun day.

Bring some advil or something too. People keep laughing at me, but those of you who shoot a lot, of action, know what I mean. My back and shoulder blade was, and still is, sore as hell. lol
I kept seeing this thread on my ipod but unfortunately I can't see your pictures on it :( Glad the thread was current so I didn't miss it again! Love the first shot and the one of the dive in the water is cool :) Looking forward to seeing more!
He had two...but dropped one...I got it right before the dropped fish hit the water...


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