Over the pond


TPF Noob!
Jun 11, 2008
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(VI) - Italy
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

Sigma 150-500 os
Canon EOS 400D
Oasi di Casale (VI)

other pictures are here: http://capturethetime.blogspot.com/2010 ... igmos.html
What program and methods are you using for your websized versions? I ask because on many of them I can see pixelization occuring (especailly around the main subject) which you do not want as it greatly detracts from the overall impression of the image.

Of the set I would say this one is probably standing out as the best capture:
IMG_0908_1.jpg (image)

Also when presenting you work do try to talk about it rather than just show images (this applies to your blog as well as here) since it helps to have some idea about your views of the images.
For example something like this: IMG_0914.jpg (image)
looks out of place one its own as the bird is clearly (whilst giving a great pose) not in focus.
I read through all Overread said and clicked on the links added, too, and must agree with him. If it had been me, 0914 would never have seen the light of this world, and 0908 is clearly the best of the lot and would have been presented to these forums, if I had to decide on which to make public.

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