Palm tree by the lake after sunset


TPF Noob!
Apr 24, 2009
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Campo Belo, MG - Brasil
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One of the pictures I took yesterday as I was enjoying the post-sunset colors by the lake... I wanted to include the palm tree with the sunset colors over the water, but couldn't quite get the angle I was hoping for. Overall though I kind of liked this picture, maybe more for the colors than for the composition. Any C&C welcome.

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Beautiful shot, I love the variety of colors and the reflection on the water is great!
Colors are great in this : )

my only complaint is the tilty horizon, but that's easily fixed...
Thanks, analog! I wasn't seeing past the end of my nose. I guess I had tried to make a crooked palm tree straight and left the horizon obviously tilted. As you said... easily fixed. Thank you for the C&C.
I wish the top of the tree were not clipped off, but a very nice image anyway.
Me too. The top of the tree got clipped when I straightened it. Next time I will try to straighten it in frame. Thanks for the comment.

I forgot to mention that this picture was hand held. My tripod wasn't with me at the time. I was happy it turned out this well, considering the low light.

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