
I'd like to see them piled so I can't see the surface they are lying on.
I'd like to see them piled so I can't see the surface they are lying on.

Actually, I tried to do exactly that, but they wouldn't cooperate.
I'd like to see them piled so I can't see the surface they are lying on.

Actually, I tried to do exactly that, but they wouldn't cooperate.

Pearls are stubborn that way :D I like the lighting on them. Maybe go into a Wal-Mart they still have Joanne Fabrics there? Did they ever? - anyway, you can get fabric remnants for cheap. You can look for a white material with a similar sheen to the pearls.
The other side of that board is white. I can try that, see how that works. Otherwise I have some white stuff I got from Joanne Fabrics (got one here) that might work. I used the black to separate them a little, but never tried with white.

Lighting was done with two bare speedlights on tabletop tripods, about as ghetto as I could possibly make a macro flash setup. :lol:
I think seeing the fabric works better if it also has a bit of shine to it. Pearls=luxury, so you think silk or satin, like the strand is lying on silk sheets or something. I was thinking of the white so the pearls themselves would sort of blend in, but I suppose with the right sort of sheen to the fabric, and maybe rumpled a little instead of totally smooth, it would look nice in just about any color.
I tried on the white cardboard since it was handy, and you're right. It needs something with a sheen to it to pull that off.

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