Pebble beach evening

John E.

TPF Noob!
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Living in Kootney time
It's a little dark, but that's early evening.

That is one nice photo, Cruzin.

As far a being dark, I think you have to see a sunset on Lake Superior to appreciate it.

Can't wait to see some of your winter shots along the shore line.
I like that it's dark. And the pink tones of the sky. My only thought is that the horizon is a tad slanted to the left ;-)
Greenlandgirl said:
I like that it's dark. And the pink tones of the sky. My only thought is that the horizon is a tad slanted to the left ;-)

Thanks everyone. I fixed the slant for you Greenland girl, I saw it to but for some reason I was to lazy to fix it. :oops:

On the same night (last night) a pack of about 14 wolves were seen down by the lake, and damn I did not see a one. The wolves are very hungry this year due to natures cycles of plenty of food and little food. The wolves are skirting the outside of town looking for food (dogs, cats, garbage) so the people walking their dogs have to be wary.
Very nice picture. I like the dark atmosphere because it makes me feel like I'm sitting there on the edge of the shore watching the sun set. Thanks for the escape!
Greenlandgirl said:
Ugh, maybe the people themselves - and you - have to be wary too :pale:

I am not the least bit worried, wolves in this area no matter how hungry they have been have never attacked a human. I have been surrounded by wolves before and it is the most incredable/ spirtual experence ever. It seems magical every time I see one.

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