Photo Shop or Panit Shop Pro


TPF Noob!
Feb 24, 2008
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Sorry for sounding like a noob but can someone please give me step by step for either or both progs on how to convert an image to b&w and then just color the eyes iv tried and cant figure it out
Using Ps it's pretty easy.

Open image
Press Ctrl J (cmd J on a mac) to duplicate background layer.

With the top layer selected go to Image>Adjustment>Hue & Saturation
Lower the saturation to zero.

Now the top layer is B&W. Get the eraser tool and zoom in close on the eyes - real close. Select a sft brush and delete the B&W eyes and you will see the colour appear.

Let me say this is not the best way. Generally I use layer masks and paint black to make the layer underneath appear through the mask but this is a little more advanced. Also I use the channel mixer or B&W layer mask to create my B&W images but start with the above then learn how to do it better

Thanks for the replies ! But I have one more question How do i change the eye color in the b & w image Thanks again
You don't..... You create a "hole" in the top layer that shows the colour layer below.

Read my post again.
Or if you have a B&W only image, make sure the image is set to RGB,


Select the pen tool and change the "bleding mode" in the pen option tool bar to color. Paint into the eyes the colour you want. This is not the best way though as having the original colour image is better(see above how to do that.

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