Photographic Pet-Peeves

I usually view threads by New Posts rather than staying with a particular forum. I bugs me to see three new nearly identical posts about "Which (fill in the blank)" on the first page. It seems there is the same phenomenon as when someone nearby yawns...... everybody yawns. It's not like tripods, lenses or camera bodies haven't been discussed before.

While I'm at it.... a New Post asking "which lens" but don't specify which system they shoot. If it's about Nikon, I might be of some use. If it's for another, I've just wasted two clicks. C'mon people, don't you realize how valuable my time is? :biggrin:
While I'm at it.... a New Post asking "which lens" but don't specify which system they shoot. If it's about Nikon, I might be of some use. If it's for another, I've just wasted two clicks. C'mon people, don't you realize how valuable my time is? :biggrin:


Not to mouse is pretty old, I'm not sure how many clicks it has left.


People really need to start providing that information in the thread title... I don't know how many "gear" threads I've clicked on only to see "Nikon" in the first post...

If that had been in the title, I wouldn't even have wasted my time clicking on it.

I don't have anything against Nikon, but when it comes to gear, I can't help you at all.
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oh almost forgot... all of EricD's wildlife shots... they make me want to throw away my gear and take up basket weaving.

people who use pictures they took of themselvs at arms length as a portrait.... WE CAN SEEE YOU ARE HOLDING THE CAMERA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its one thing to throw it on facebook but quite another to use it as a portrait..
What I really hate are people who see my photos then say...
"Your camera takes nice photos"
God do I hate this, maybe I am doing some of the work too.
God do I hate this, maybe I am doing some of the work too.

Pfft...If you can call pushing a button "work".


Lol...I do agree. I have to say though, that I don't see this much (if at all) on the forums... Out in 'the world' though, I hear it all the time.

I usually just ignore those people...

People really need to start providing that information in the thread title... I don't know how many "gear" threads I've clicked on only to see "Nikon" in the first post...

If that had been in the title, I wouldn't even have wasted my time clicking on it.

I don't have anything against Nikon, but when it comes to gear, I can't help you at all.
I'm sure you guys have been around long enough to realize that if you hold your mouse over the thread title, the first 3 or 4 lines pop up for you to preview. Hope that helps with the wasted clicks! haha
although I am all for more organized thread titles, but thats why ive learned that trick.

People really need to start providing that information in the thread title... I don't know how many "gear" threads I've clicked on only to see "Nikon" in the first post...

If that had been in the title, I wouldn't even have wasted my time clicking on it.

I don't have anything against Nikon, but when it comes to gear, I can't help you at all.
I'm sure you guys have been around long enough to realize that if you hold your mouse over the thread title, the first 3 or 4 lines pop up for you to preview. Hope that helps with the wasted clicks! haha
although I am all for more organized thread titles, but thats why ive learned that trick.

Yeah, and I usually do hover over a thread before clicking it, just to see if it's worth looking at, lol. Sometimes that information is just too far into the post to show up on that little bubble, or not present at all.

It is annoying when I go to a gear thread and then half way through it -- "Nikon"! LOL

People really need to start providing that information in the thread title... I don't know how many "gear" threads I've clicked on only to see "Nikon" in the first post...

If that had been in the title, I wouldn't even have wasted my time clicking on it.

I don't have anything against Nikon, but when it comes to gear, I can't help you at all.
I'm sure you guys have been around long enough to realize that if you hold your mouse over the thread title, the first 3 or 4 lines pop up for you to preview. Hope that helps with the wasted clicks! haha
although I am all for more organized thread titles, but thats why ive learned that trick.

Yeah, and I usually do hover over a thread before clicking it, just to see if it's worth looking at, lol. Sometimes that information is just too far into the post to show up on that little bubble, or not present at all.

It is annoying when I go to a gear thread and then half way through it -- "Nikon"! LOL
There's only one real solution, you know... get yourself outfitted with a Nikon system and ditch the sub-par stuff you're shooting with now! Not only will you be able to participate in those threads, but you'll also see a HUGE jump in your photography auto-magically! :greenpbl::lol:
Yeah, and I usually do hover over a thread before clicking it, just to see if it's worth looking at, lol. Sometimes that information is just too far into the post to show up on that little bubble, or not present at all.

It is annoying when I go to a gear thread and then half way through it -- "Nikon"! LOL

maybe it will just convince you to come over to the dark side one day. haha
doubtful, but hey, a boy can dream.
its funny, i find the canon vs nikon thing even more intriguing than that of like, VW vs Honda or something of the like. can you guess which one i am?
Honestly, while I play at being a Nikon Fan-Boy, but when it comes down to it, I don't give a rip what gear you're using if it's working well for you.
I've been shooting for long enough to have developed a few :lol: But none of them are set in stone for me, and none of them bug me so much that I would ever get worked up about it, lol. Well, maybe the ones about the non-paying clients... But here's the list:

Clients that don't pay

Clients that make you chase the money down, making it seem like getting paid should feel like pulling teeth

Jealous, insensitive "fashionista" types that keep putting down the poor model to make her feel horrible about herself

Calling a photograph a "capture" (typically, from people who've never shot film)

Calling a photograph a "file" (ditto)

Citing Ansel Adams' extensive darkroom work as justification for your own crappy digital post-production work (What if I was never a fan of Adams anyway?)


Selective coloring

HDR :mrgreen:

Always making a reference to Ansel Adams as one of the world's best-ever photographers because his is the only name you know

Internet-only: Cyber-togs (photographers who post way more than they shoot, but they're always ready tell you what's wrong with your work)

Craigslist hacks who cater to the cheapskates looking for $20 wedding photos, driving down prices for everyone else

Terry Richardson groupies (flame away!)

Internet-only: Worshipping someone on a forum just because he/she shoots better photos than you do

Eh. I'm done, got better things to do than to keep ranting :lmao:
Yes! Today is the day for full-on negativity posts!
Seriously, I could care less what the hell people think of my own shots.

Actually one of my pet peeves is seeing native English speaking people write 'I could care less what ...' (which implies they actually care some about what people say cause they 'could care less.') when they really mean 'I couldn't care less.'

I also wonder about people who make posts with egregious spelling errors.

Critique. Way over rated. People try to see too much in a photo, and go a little overboard with this critique stuff. :er: Dont get me wrong....but I just think this whole act of posting photos on a photo forum, and people trying to find flaws, has become a little hilarious. :lol::lmao::lol:
But we have had numorous threads about critique, so I wont go there. I just stopped posting was easier. :lol:

And of course people who say they don't care about critique, ignoring the fact that the vast proportion of people who post are looking for some comment/feedback so they can get better. Don't want it, don't need it, no problem - some people want and need it, don't belittle the function because you're too 'cool'.
well the way look at it, so long as you understand what i'm getting at, my grammar/punctuation/spelling and so forth shouldn't matter too much. i at least know the difference between to, two, and too as well as further and farther plus i can spell definitely without any help from little squiggly red lines. haha. obviously, im no grammar nazi.

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