Photography courses


TPF Noob!
May 23, 2012
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Thames NZ
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Hi there, I have invested in a Nikon D3000 18-55 VR Kit. I would like to and NEED to do a course of some sort to get the most out of my camera instead of just point and shoot. I love being creative but need to learn new techniques and also would love to learn photoshop or anything similar. I would like to do something online or through correspondence as I dont know if I'd have the time to travel etc due to kids and work. I have had a look at a few online courses and am abit worried I will end up with a big think manual and no help, I would like more online/hands on help. Any suggestions??? I live in Thames, New Zealand, thank you!
Hmm... not sure about NZ, but here there are a couple of big name photography places (Henry's for example) that offer courses of their own. Never taken one myself... but I've heard they are fantastic!

Pretty sure Henry's isn't in NZ.... but there must be a local equivalent? Whatever the biggest company is for selling camera gear there; try their website!

Hope it helps a little...
I have taken MANY courses and each time I say "Never again". I never feel like I gained anything. I have done a few weekend workshops and and felt they were worth the money. I find hands on a much better way to learn than class room.
maybe take a look at or
I'm going on this course in June: by a British photographer. It's a Mediterranean holiday and tuition in one. Fashion related but they do landscapes and still life as well. Not NZ unfortunately but might be of some help to you...
Look around the area you live in, I'm pretty sure there's some other people who have the same interests. But for myself i can't say I've really taken any courses, my teacher was my dad and grandpa..
It depends how you, personally, learn best. Some people can get a lot out of on-line or correspondence type courses, but most people learn better in a face-to-face, hands-on type situation.

I've talked to plenty of people who have started something like NYIP, but I can't recall anyone who actually followed it though to the end.

I teach photography courses, and I've had people tell me that they learned more in 12 hours (four 3-hour classes) than in years of self/internet learning.

I suggest looking around your area for courses, or maybe camera clubs. It may be harder to fit that into your schedule, but it's probably a more efficient way of learning, so in the end, you'll be ahead.
Thanks everyone for your advice and input. I would definately like to do a more hands-on, face to face course but in my area there is nothing. I have been looking at an on-line course through the photography institute, it's worldwide so has anyone got any opinions or experience with that one? If I don't have any luck I will just have to try to find something out of town, thanks!
Has anyone ever completed an online photography course and if so was it beneficial. They seem to be a lot cheaper than actual classes but do they lack in the hands on approach?
Hi everyone, I'm based in London and would love to do an indepth photography course. Can anyone suggest a worthwhile one here in the UK? Can anyone recommend the course presented by The Photography Institute? Thank you.
i believe that there are online video courses available you can subscribe to. but if you are starting out a friend would be nice to teach or mentor you
I completed the online course and I found it very beneficial however i didn't find it to be hands on it was more work on your own at your own pace. You have a professional photographer who reviews your assignment but I never found their critiques very helpful. Most responses to assignments were a few words like "your on the right path" or "good start". If you are a hands on type person I would advise finding a professionL locally who teaches.
Check out - search Photography in your area. There are always great photography groups that allow for hands on learning and great shooting opportunities and portfolio building.
Has anyone ever completed an online photography course and if so was it beneficial. They seem to be a lot cheaper than actual classes but do they lack in the hands on approach?

I did the course from, I thought they were prety good to get me started on how the camera works, they also gave a lot of good advice for beginners. But this isnt going to get you anywhere if you're not interested in looking in the instruction manual every now and then, using the camear while you watch their tape and most of all, going out to take some photographs on your own. Any guide/instruction video is still going to require you to practice on your own.
I am still quite new to photography. I own digital cameras since 4 years and my first DSLR since almost 2 months.

I havent taken any course.

I have watched plenty of YouTube videos about photography, especially also "digital one on one" by Adorama TV. These are pretty complete in their information about various fields, though the information is presented in a somewhat random way.

I am trying to make it a habit to visit Browsing Photography on deviantART on a regular basis for inspiration. Though many pictures leave me with just "??? what the frak, how did they do that ???", lol. Its typically some sort of photoshop magic and I dont feel ready for that yet, though.

I right now also have two books about composition and photographic creativity. I both bought them since I got my DSLR, so they are all new.

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