Photography Website For Jim Schlessinger


TPF Noob!
Jun 4, 2005
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I am a quite amateur photographer. For a living, I make websites. Recently I had the good fortune of combining these two pleasures while working on a site for a fine art photographer, Jim Schlessinger. I am looking for feedback on the site and also hoping to share what I feel are some beautiful photographs with this community.

On another forum that I posted on, I received some negative feedback regarding the watermarking on the largest image size available. Jim was a little nervous posting images to the web with any size that might risk his copyright being infringed so we comprimised on the solution you see now on the website. Specifically, he was a little unnerved by the quality of the print he was able to obtain with simple interpolation. Have other's had this problem on their websites or in similar venues? If so, how have you dealt with it? I'm sure there are some unique solutions out there that I have not thought about, so I am looking forward to your responses.

The website is:

For those interested in more detail, I will go on. The site is fully administratable via a content management system that we custom designed for his purposes. Specifically, it enables him to create galleries of n-order works, or combinations of photos, as demonstrated by his Diptychs and Triptychs galleries. All text on the website is also completely administrable through his administration section.

If anyone has any other questions or comments, please let me know.



Here are a some sample images:




hi and welcome to the forum, im going to move these to a more appropriate place considering how many pictures you have up. we usually use the critique forum for no more than two pictures that need serious critique.

thanks and welcome!

Ok I know absolutely zilch about making a 'real' website, but couldn't you put the photos in some sort of flash thing so they're not as easy to save to your computer?
But I personally don't find the watermark that distracting. I can look past it.

Can I just suggest something not photo related. The wording of the very first sentance on the site is a little awkward in my opinion.
"Welcome to fine art landscape photographer Jim Schlessinger's website"
Thanks for the response.

I have considered flash as an alternative to some degree, though I am not an expert in flash. We came to the conclusion that what was available on screen was available for the taking (for instance, someone can always take a screenshot). We have had feedback from a few people saying that the copyright is not a serious distraction. Also, the images are available at a smaller size. We are trying to take all of this into consideration in making our final decision.

The text of the website is all controllable through our content management system. I will forward your wording suggestion along to Jim...

Thanks again for your comments.


Meysha said:
Ok I know absolutely zilch about making a 'real' website, but couldn't you put the photos in some sort of flash thing so they're not as easy to save to your computer?
But I personally don't find the watermark that distracting. I can look past it.

Can I just suggest something not photo related. The wording of the very first sentance on the site is a little awkward in my opinion.

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