pics from iraq

I really like number one too, reminds me of parts of Detroit. :lol: Stay safe bro.
I like those pictures! I tried going to Iraq but they won't let me.. oh well. Thanks for what you do man, stay strong and take care of yourself. Don't let the left wing wacko's get you down, your doing good!
who's to say... im just fullfilling the duties as a servicemen and to my country. i can understand though. i have just decided to find an optimistic view and try to create some art. one must find beauty in the small things in life

It is great to see Iraq from a serviceman's point of view. Looking forward to more of your posts. Thanks for sharing.

i will do what i can, there are alot of coolthings out here that the normal public doesnt get to see, most of the populated areas(around the rivers) are very green and beautiful in my opinion. even the deserts hold there own beauty. thanks again for all the support, i look forward to sharing a peice of my life with everyone, and for those that couldnt come over here
Don't let the left wing wacko's get you down, your doing good!

This isn't a political forum as has been stated, why don't you do yourself a favor and not show your ignorance by leaving moronic comments.

To OP: Nice shots, can't add much other than what's been stated. Thanks for your service, and for sharing your shots. It's hard for us to know what's really going on over there.
^ That in itself is a politically related comment. You could have just said stop making political comments but you took that a bit further.
Everyone's kinda already gave the C&C and I don't really have anything to add. I gotta really agree with the different point of view for the first shot though.

I respect what you do for your country. Thanks for sharing these great images! I hope we get to see a lot more.
alright guys, i didnt want to create a problem, but i figured it would be with the nature of the subject. i appriciate the support and peoples opinions are thier own. if they post it doesnt offend me, everyone is intitled.
If you don't know, then I ain't tellin' :lol:
Nice shots.....thanks for sharing and thanks for serving!!!!
I like your photos and I would really enjoy seeing more of whats going on over there from a servicemans perspective. Thanks for posting and I hope you stay safe and keep us updated. Take care.
I would really like to see a portfolio of all your iraq pictures if you would be willing to make one. These have so much feeling and energy =]
who's to say... im just fullfilling the duties as a servicemen and to my country. i can understand though. i have just decided to find an optimistic view and try to create some art. one must find beauty in the small things in life

All best to you - that's the best way to get through most things

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