Please Help!

just thinking... but could it be a nice HDR?
I am really going for a certain look when I photograph children, and I usually browse around to other professional websites to check things out. I found a girl who does amazing portraits....

All of her clients have the same porcelain skin, same color and all.

I can tell her photos are ran through PS but does anyone know how to get that same look on the skin, even if it is through PS.

here is her website if you want a look at what I am talking about.

Thanks so much in advance.

I didn't respond initially because I don't do all that much with PS (in fact, I have PSE). However, I took a peek today and I think that the images are terrible. I'm wondering if they were better before she touched them.
Not to sound silly...But what does HDR stand for?:confused:

Thanks for the encouragement Schuyler Cat!!!:D:D:D

Thanks to all who added to my thought process too!!

HDR? Looky here:

I just found this today - it takes .000001 seconds to find an HDR set on Flickr. These are kinda nice. There are roughly one gazillion HDR shots out there to look at. It stands for High Dynamic Range - it comes from layering identical shots taken at different bracketed exposures (it's WAY more complicated than that, but...) together to highlight the dark-darks and light-lights and make a combined picture that looks like you've been taking WAY too much acid.

Some of these can be spellbinding. Some people are getting a little bored with it. Until I can afford software that will create HDR images (I have PS v6.0), I remain unconvinced...but I really want to try it.
your right, only black people are in africa and there are only white people in the US. I am so stupid. ;)

Take a trip to anywhere in Africa besides the South... ignorance is bliss, aint it?
I thought the pics were kinda "meh", and yes... overexposed in a lot of cases. In some cases the whole pic was overexposed quite noticably.

I wouldn't choose this as a model of exposure and PP to aspire to, personally.

If you want the smooth skin look do some gentle airbrushing on the images and you'll be a-ok.
so i may be one of the few...but i actually did not like her work at all. i looked through everything. and i guess its not my cup of tea.

oh and i loved the little boy w/the door and the baby! beautiful

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