Portfolio for a Road Trip-Need Critique/Advice


TPF Noob!
Aug 26, 2008
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Middletown, NY
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hey everyone,

I have recently been laid off from my television job due to this wonderful economy of ours, and so I've decided to go do what I've always wanted; take a photographic expedition of this country, starting from New York, through down to the south, heading west through Texas to California, then up the Pacific Coast, and back east bordering the north through the Dakotas and such.

I'm doing this for two reasons: one, to help build a massive portfolio of travel photography, and two, to try and find a city in this country I'd like to move to next.

The thing is, I would like to bring a portfolio or two with me, should I happen to bump into photographers along the way who may be looking to hire an assistant, or something along those lines. But I have made the mistake in my post-college life of not really delving headfirst into one line of photography, but trying my hand in a bit of everything.... weddings, commercial work, portraiture, travel, etc. My website has some of this, and I was hoping some of you could take a look, and give me some advice as to what type of portfolio I should put together. I'm going to use MPix to make a 20-25 page Suede Cover book.

Also, on a side note, if you do go to the website, you will see a section called "Cuba" which was a recent trip of mine. I went with a playwright and good friend who is emailing me an essay he wrote while we were down there to put into a book (MPix as well) and intermix with the photos, so I was going to possibly use that as a portfolio as well. What are your thoughts on that?

Sorry for rambling, but any advice would be greatly, greatly appreciated as I'm extremely busy trying to sort out a ton of loose ends before this trip, and I don't have the time I'd like to to investigate all of these things myself. Also, any suggestions for fantastic eats (and photo ops, of course) along my route would be wonderful!

Thanks everyone.


Well, just a thought anyway. Looking through the pages you have some great shots from various areas, not normally what you would present to a client or employer. However, what works is you are planning a trip that is unlike most trips. I would suggest setting your port up in a simlilar fashion to the website. Having the tumbnails as a sampling of a few good works for each area.

Also one other note that could pick you up some potential work or freidns along the path it so start a travel thread posting pictures adn stories of the adventure as you go. I have followed these in the past by Adventure Motorcycle riders and they are usually pretty amazing. One by a photographer would be pretty interesting as the visuals are going to be stepped up over that of a regular joe.
just a thought to get you on your way...Enjoy it...Sounds amazing.

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