Portrait Lens


TPF Noob!
Nov 8, 2007
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Okay, so portraits are what I want to shoot... but the kit lens that came with my Canon Digi Rebel xt isn't cutting it. My kids are tired of the camera being right in their face, :lol:. One of them actually runs when I pull out my camera!
I'm looking at the Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 and am just looking for some opinions from you guys about it. Would it be worth it? Do you think it's what I'm looking for?

*edited for another question*

Would the 85mm be a faster lens too? What kind of shots is the 18-55mm best for?
I have that lens (one of my favorites). I think it does fine for portraits.

B&H has a $25 instant rebate on it right now (not sure how long those last). For just over $300 it's an awesome lens.
Would the 85mm be a faster lens too? What kind of shots is the 18-55mm best for?

The 18-55 kit lens is great for starting a fire when you are lost in the woods.

The 85 mm is great, when used of a film camera/full sensor where the focal length really is 85mm.

Seriously though, I'm guessing that you are using this wide angle thing on a pixel-cam for which the effective focal length is something like a 35-100 or whatever?

If you are, remember that your 85 will become a medium-longish telephoto. I can't tell you the actual ratio, because I'm a film user.

I also like dog training in my spare time. Dogs are alot like kids. I'd find a non smearing candy, like little swedish berry jube jubes, and keep them in my pocket.


Deprive the child of candy for at least a half a day, then take out the camera and give the child a candy, don't say anything, don't take a picture, just give the child a single candy.

Every 10 or 15 seconds give the child a candy. Then point the camera at the child, say click!, and give the child another candy.

Repeat occasionally.

After a few sessions, take a picture, then say, "GOOD PICTURE!" in an enthusiastic approving voice.

Repeat as necessary.

I predict, if my experience with dogs is any indication, that if you are firm and resolute about only giving treats when you get what you want first, your children will soon be posing like little supermodels.

Remember to praise often, and withhold praise/candy for undesireable behaviours like begging or whining.
lol at that^

hes only taking the piss

dont actaully do that

off topic: i saw a father who had this 3 year old on a leash. it was a vest tihng with a leash attached to it! and he was walking him in front of him like dog. bloody horrible. that will never come into popular use, and never should
Have you given any thought to a member of the nifty fifty family? I think the 50 1.4 is about the same price as the 85 1.8 - and on a crop camera it's effective focal length is 80mm (and it's a little faster).
Or get the 60mm macro - effective focal length 96mm and get a free macro lens thrown into the bargain.
85mm f1.8 or 50mm f1.8 are a good starting point.

Need something longer???

Canon 100mm Macro is another good portrait lens and doubles as a Macro lens as well.

Still need something longer???

Canon 135L f2 but thats getting expensive and a bit long on a cropped Rebel body.
lens that I use when my kids are not in the mood-I shot pics of them at the beach without their knowledge and they turned out stunning. I am still learning though.

I have the Canon 30D with a 17-85mm and the one I already mentioned..I don't know what I need next...

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