Pretty Much Told I Am Horrible At Photography, That's Real Encouraging

This thread is making me think that I'll never be a decent photographer....

OP keep shooting and learning.
Updated my sig, modified from a post on another forum. Hoping to make us noobs feel better and hang in there!!
Most people are told by friends and family that their photography (or any other hobby) is wonderful. And give support, etc. Until a time when they are asked to pay for your services, then things change. And the people knowledgeable tend to be less forgiving.
Such is the way of life.

Just keep shooting, improving and enjoying it.
Most people are told by friends and family that their photography (or any other hobby) is wonderful. And give support, etc. Until a time when they are asked to pay for your services, then things change. And the people knowledgeable tend to be less forgiving.
Such is the way of life.

Just keep shooting, improving and enjoying it.

Exactly! I have family friends on FB that post pics, and all of their friends and family are like..... oooooooh!!! Ahhhhh!!! You are sooooo good! You should do this for money!! So, one actually does it! Creates a page, makes a name and logo, and off they go! Of course, their pics are just so-so. Not bad, just run-of-the-mill stuff. Well, a small percentage "is" pretty bad LOL!! But I would never say anything, I know how that family squabble crap starts. I texted them once, and they mentioned maybe taking a photography course. What?! You're "already" charging money LOL!! Needless to say, the business has gone nowhere. So, yeah, I see this a lot. I'll continue doing it for fun and having fun!!
Teeeeeeeechnically, you are. if you take a photo, you're a photographer. Good, bad, average, mediocre...

You forgot the extreme bad end of that spectrum: Ken Rockwell.
I guess no one, other than other photographers, realize that Rome wasn't built in a day? I would like to hand that camera to one of the nay sayers that has never held a DSLR and ask them to do better. Rude awakening when I bought the camera and realized there's a lot more to it than I thought, and I've been pretty happy with my progress up until this point.

Here's the thing, the client doesn't have to be better than you at photography. They just have to be able to hire someone better.

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Having seen the original thread and read the replies, I think you're taking the comments way too seriously and over-reacting. Nobody said your pictures sucked, or that you should quit. The ones that did comment on the pictures you posted said they wouldn't pay anything for them (understandable, you said yourself they were some of your first shots), and that you probably shouldn't use them to advertise your services if/when you start charging.

Most of the people who commented on the pictures were photographers/artists, too. So not completely ignorant, as you're making them seem...

As I always say...Rant threads never go well. The ranter is typically over dramatic.
I knew there was more to the story. Thanks for posting.

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