Purple and Orange


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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I so have to shoot the river at sunset more often! Just finished editing this one, would love to hear your thoughts, thanks for taking a look!

The entire image nice, but I really like the top half with all the soft wispy swirls. :D
Thanks Jaca and Carol :)
I like the way the image transitions from swirly, blurry lines and shapes into more subtly-defined lines and shapes at the base. The colors are nice, and peaceful too.
Pretty neat!
An unusual photo that woult fit perfectly on a wall!
Thanks guys :)

Machinehater, a couple of this set are getting printed on metal ;)
That is so cool.
If you didn't say what it was I would of had a hard time figuring out it was a sunset reflection on a river. It's just great imagery.
What Derrel said......
Thanks Astro and Rick :)

Rick and Derrel, I guess technically the feathery top is bokeh, my 100-400 renders it quite deliciously IMHO ;)
The smoky top 20% doesn't do anything for me. The deeper contrasts beneath (and more to the left) are nice to look at.
The top makes it look more like a painting than a photo, which to me is a cool effect. Very nice.
Thanks for your thoughts Mike and Mini :)

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