Purple Orchid


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 5, 2015
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Getting familiar with the D7200. This thing is a monster in low light. I couldn't believe how many good shots I got with it. Heck, even ISO level 25600 was usable if you don't go pixel peeping. Pretty amazing camera. The best part is I'm not cropping everything which actually feels a little weird as that is the first thing I go for. Spent about 2 minutes in Gimp. Anyway, @SquarePeg should appreciate the saturated purple of this wonderful aromatic orchid.

Glad you're enjoying your new gear! Nice color in this one and I like the composition. As usual, you had me at purple. I don't think I've ever seen an orchid this color. All the ones I see around here are Pink, Fuschia, White and sometimes a pale yellowish...
Purple is one of my favoritistists colors :)
Nice image
glad you like that camera. how goes the buttons/dials and all ?
Not used to them yet, fingers still think I have a d3300 in the hand. Exposure is way more sensitive. Haven't tried any other mode except manual.
Glad you're enjoying your new gear! Nice color in this one and I like the composition. As usual, you had me at purple. I don't think I've ever seen an orchid this color. All the ones I see around here are Pink, Fuschia, White and sometimes a pale yellowish...

Purple is one of my favoritistists colors :)
Nice image
glad you like that camera. how goes the buttons/dials and all ?

Nikons are the best! lol :)


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