Question about close ups.


TPF Noob!
Jan 25, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey everyone

I just picked up a D90 digital camera (first DLSR) and I am interested in taking high resolution photos of objects close up.

Let me be clear I am new to photography. An example of what I am trying to do is to photograph say...a soda can. I am trying to obtain good detail with a solid white background.

Anyone have a guide on how to do this?
Well you're going to want some lights. Whether that is studio lights, speedlights, or maybe just some lamp type lights it's up to you. Of course if you really want to get into product photography studio lights will be the lights of choice.

Whatever lens you have should be fine because you will be shooting around f/8-f/11 and that is where most lenses perform best. If you want the best quality and control of the image I recommend shooting in RAW. This can be done by holding the QUAL button on the left of the camera and spinning the main command dial until you see RAW on the top LCD screen. You can also choose to shoot in RAW+JPEG.

If you don't want to spend a lot of money doing all of this stuff here is a pretty good DIY article to do all the stuff you are looking to do. Hope that helps!

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