Question about iPhoto


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Aug 3, 2012
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Mustang Oklahoma
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
At a recent photo expo that I attended, I shot a model and after talking we did a TFP agreement. I edited the photos and put them on a disk (using a windows based pc) and then sent them to her. She looked at the disk and likes the photos, but said that iPhoto will not import them because they are locked.

I am not familiar with iPhoto, can someone please give me an idea, is this normal? I suggested that she copy the jpegs from the disk to her hard drive and try to upload them to iPhoto from there.

Any help or ideas are welcomed. (I should have sent her a thumb drive.)
She needs to go into iPhoto Preferences, click the "Advanced" category and make sure she has checked the box which reads "Import: Copy items to the iPhoto Library".

This will allow her to drag the photos and drop them on the "Library" section (in the left margin) and iPhoto will COPY them from the CD and into iPhoto.

If she does not check the box, then iPhoto is attempting to manage them "in place" (in other words the only copy of them would be on the CD but since a CD is a not a read/write device once you finish burning it, it cannot be modified.)
Thanks Tim. I will pass along the information. I asked her to try to copy the jpeg's to her hard drive and then upload them to iPhoto. I couldn't figure it out because I was able to copy one of the jpeg's to my work computer the morning before I sent it to her.

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