random streets of Paris


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 30, 2006
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I really really like the 2nd one, what a great capture!
I really really like the 2nd one, what a great capture!

thanks :)

actually not a snapshot.. I have been waiting there for quite a while taking images of people walking past that "painting"
thanks both!
Great photographs. They all look like they were shot in or around Montmartre. I love seeing these streets through a talented photographers eye's.

I miss Paris, and it's only been a year since I have been there.
Enjoyable thread, to see different vignettes. The second is my fave, too. It's really a cracking shot.
Thanks all :)

Great photographs. They all look like they were shot in or around Montmartre.

That is where it is ... it is close to where my friend lives, so I did not have to walk far :p

I love seeing these streets through a talented photographers eye's.

Not too much talent here, just luck and patience ;)
But thanks anyway!
Very nice work Alex.. I like the woman looking at the art work. So very telling that she isn't stopped but hustling by.

Charming building but the people are by far the best to me. Bricks and mortar are interesting but people are fascinating.

Charming building but the people are by far the best to me. Bricks and mortar are interesting but people are fascinating.

I have to confess though, that I have the tendency to be fascinated by architecture quite often.
All good but number two ringing the bell for me!!

I wonder if you could lighten her up a weeee bit more to show a little more detail..dodgeing??

I think what works in that photo is scale.. Her and the artwork are nearly the same size.. the artwork person has arms thrown into the air, and the lady passin by, has her arms down... The scale of the two is amazing..Artwork person and lady are facing each other as almost greeting each other...

ok maybe thats all me on this being crazy, but I like the comparisons!!

Did that play into your mind when taking this pic??

Great Job!

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