Recent Family Session - gray overcast! :-/


TPF Noob!
Nov 25, 2007
Reaction score
I did the best I could under the circumstances...

Let me know what ya'll think..

(Side note, the family had a child that is down syndrome :( ...what a sweet baby! )







I think they all look wonderful. Any cons of shooting on an overcast day didn't show up in these shots. I really like the last one the most. Such a cool wall and a great expression from the little boy. You always shoot in the coolest locations!
I know not everyone does, but I like shooting on overcast days:)

Overall these are very nice:)
1.) I like that you don't have the group centered in the photo. However, try to stagger the people in the group next time so that you don't get heads that are lined up in a row like the two older boys' heads are. I would have had dad move his body toward his left a little (in toward the family) as he looks kind of awkward so square to the camera like that.

2.) Very cute! I don't suppose you have one like this without Mom's arm in the frame?

3.) Something seems off with his eyes. (Not the down syndrome) Maybe too much sharpening?

4.) Very cute expression on this one:) I find whatever that white rounded hanging thing in the background to be a distraction though.

5.) Probably my favorite as I like the composition and his cute smile. But, his face is overly red. I don't know if you are upping the saturation levels in PS, but if you are, do it on a seperate layer and erase back his skin to a more normal looking color. That's usually what I do when I want to add some color saturation in a photo. It normally looks good everywhere but someone's skin!
April - thank you SOOO much for that amazing feedback. You hit it on the nose and it's exactly what I was looking for.

1. great suggestions for improving family portraits.
4. I'm going to clone the rope out of the pic.
5. I noticed his skin was a little red but thought it was a reflection of the orange wall. I'm going to fix that up as well before I present all of these to my client.

Thanks again everyone for the great feedback!
My only critique is that I'm not crazy about how Dad and Son in front are sitting in #1. With legs open and hands on knees, they look uncomfortable. I love how the younger boy on the right is sitting, on a slight angle, legs together with hand on the baby. He looks comfortable and he is connecting with others in the photo.

I like #5 a lot!
All are nice images. Nice work

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