Selective color C&C


TPF Noob!
May 2, 2012
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I know it is generally frowned upon, however my daughter requested it :) This is a photo of her I took by a lake, it was impromptu kind of stuff I had the camera with me and was trying to get something cute of her that day for her mom.

Can't say that SC is something I much like either, but when someone asks for it... I would like the image a LOT more if her fingers weren't cropped off at the bottom, and I wonder if it wouldn't be better too if it were a regular black and white instead of the odd sepia-esque tone?
I don't even know how it's done, and don't want to learn :D

It's a really nice shot of your daughter and if she wanted it so be it!
I love selective coloring...people have been doing it for ages. Nothing better than a hand-painted BandW...and I like this too. Very nice
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I like it. I think when done right, SC can be cool. Just a taste thing I guess. I agree with TI though, the missing fingers and weird b&w thing kinda messes it up. Good old straight conversion with the coloring would be cool.
I also like SC when done right. For me, personally, I only like the single color ones so I don't much care for the 3-4 colors in this one, but it is a nice shot.
yeah...after reading your comment, I think maybe with just the blue shirt would have been cool. I kinda like the pink headband, but with just the blue shirt...I wonder if it would mess with the mind a bit and seeing the blue there trick you for a second into thinking the water is blue as well...if only for a second.
You know, I hate SC, but this is kind of cool; I think the fact that the BW is tinted gives it a different look.

There is a photographer, someone that was mentioned on here who does this kind of thing all the time and it turns out really well. If I think of her name, I'll let you know.
I like selective coloring, in the extremely rare instances where it is done well. But, for me, SC should draw the eye to the real subject of the photo: perhaps strikingly blue eyes or a lone fan with an opposing team's jersey sitting in the midst of a sea of "home team" jerseys.
In this instance, as in most, I don't care for it, because the eye is drawn to the pretty young girl's headband and shirt instead of her. The cut-off hand and the unusual conversion tones also detract from the overall image somewhat.

That said, sometimes a photo doesn't NEED to be worthy of high acclaim among other photographers. Sometimes--perhaps mostly--it only needs to please the person the photo is FOR. I can see where this would be something a young girl would like and so I'd say you accomplished your objective for this photo.
^^ Good point; it's important to take target demographic into consideration. I would have loved this as a preteen -- kind of reminds me of those Lisa Frank posters I used to have.

... still can't think of the artist I referred to earlier.
Hm, I guess I never noticed her hand was cut off.
Good info :)
Selective color needs to have more meaning. This does not seem to really have any relevence.

More like this.....

_DSC3270 dancer desaturation by DiskoJoe, on Flickr

See the female dancer had this elaborate colorful dress while the men were in all black. I wanted her to really stand out from the crowd.

This is a good one too that lots of people like. Everyone tells me it reminds them of Sin City.

canal red by DiskoJoe, on Flickr

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