Self portrait


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 13, 2015
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Friendswood TX
Can others edit my Photos
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Here is a quick portrait I did of myself. Set the camera up on a tripod with a flash and a soft box. I used flash compensation -1 stop. I also used a remote trigger. Let me know what you think what I could have done better.

This shot was not cropped.

F-stop 1/8
Shutter speed 1/60
ISO 100
Focal length 50mm
Flash compensation -1
Just an opinion, but to me the image is flat and lacking character. I like how shadows can define and give the male face a more rugged look.
Just an opinion, but to me the image is flat and lacking character. I like how shadows can define and give the male face a more rugged look.
The lighting is here is rather flat and even; "passport photo" lighting is what I call it. Your expression is fine, but the lighting could use a little refinement. Also consider shooting vertical, and stepping away farther from the background (if possible).
A self portrait is your 1/250th sec (or slower) worth of time to show people who you are.... What does this say about you?

Thank you all very much for the advice. This self portrait was taken with a add on flash with a soft box only. No other lighting at all. I have been looking for some soft box strobe lighting and a background. I will be purchasing this soon and hopefully will improve by portraits.

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