Senior Pictures take 2 (I know I suck and that is why I do them for free!)


TPF Noob!
Feb 26, 2011
Reaction score
Escalon, Ca
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Well, this was my second go-round with my co-worker's son, trying to get some decent shots that he can keep to remember his senior year. I am doing this for free, as a favor, and for some experience shooting people I don't really know. I also just got PS and do not have a any experience. The kid showed me some photos he liked and they were the darker OFC style that I don't know how to replicate. Here is what I came up with as of yesterday and I am still messing around with the PP so don't hate too bad please. Check them out.






Am I the only one seeing halo's? Specifically on #1, #2, and #6?
There are definitely halos. Don't know how to reduce them. It happened when I did my overlay to sharpen the pictures.
Think it happened when I was doing dodging and burning to make the background darker and him lighter. Obviously I suck at it. Can I get some CC other than the obvious? Advice on how to reduce the halos with still having the same effect (darker background, lighter subject) please let me know. I don't have an OCF, so that isn't an option.
try separating him from the background a little bit more...
Where these taken with a phone camera ?

c'mon ... after some of the images posted on this site, these are not THAT bad.

It looks like you went for a Dave Hill (HDR'ish) type effect, but fell a bit short. Try and get rid of the Halos and you'll be on the road to improvement.

Personally, I don't like the cut off tops of heads, but I've seen it done plenty of times by big name photogs. Personal opinion I suppose.
That's quite a natural smile that boy has goin' on there...
Looks like you're using too much unsharp mask...? If that's the case, try smart sharpen instead...I find that usually gives a much more pleasing result...
Where these taken with a phone camera ?
Freakin Euros, always thinking you are so clever lol.

I know the kid has a strange smile, but thanks for pointing it out CAPTAIN OBVIOIUS.

Geaux and Astupidgoddes, thanks for your comments and attempt to help. I am just going to go back and start with the originals and go from there. I posted these on a few different sites and according to this site (which I think has the most to offer technically) I definitely overcooked the images. The mom of the kid was actually thrilled and I wasn't too disappointed but I knew I missed the mark a bit due to the fact that I have been using PS for less than 24 hours.

I love how people who have experience come into the beginner's forum and give no real direction. Obviously you all have wayyyyyyyy too much time on your hands and love to troll to try and get a response. Congratulations, you got a response and I am quite annoyed that half of the replies amount to zero help whatsoever. To those people who are photo elitists I am sure that it is one of your few talents and you hate to see anyone else improve.
haaa haaa.

You'll fit in just fine here.

There are two kinds of posters here: those that sugar coat it and say "those are soooooo awesome. Great job!"
those who ain't gonna sugar coat it at all. "I see halos."

Do you want ego stroking and petting, or do you want to improve? You must make a decision within your first hundred posts or so. Make the right decision!

(PS; FWIW, I think gsgary was a little harsh as well...)
Keep it up, I think the poses look good but the vent in the 3rd & last pic distracts me. You should crop it out and I like the brick background but maybe some space between, it seems so close like it's kinda hitting the viewer in the face? I think though that you do not suck, that is harsh to say about ones self. ETA: I think the bleachers looks unappealing - kinda too busy & the angle doesn't appeal to me. Perhaps a more straight on angle or one from above down.. just an idea. Also, can you go to a natural setting like a lake, forest or park? I think those always make great senior pics too.
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here's a tip... never post starting off saying your images suck in the heading. It's like blood in the water.
Someone who types way with 8 ys has too much time on their hands. :D

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