Should I be choosing a lens for Nikon 5100 based on filter size?Or a better accessory


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Jul 6, 2013
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Its now come down to this choosing a macro lens based on the filter size.

I have 2 52mm lenses
and 1 62mm

The Tamron macro lens i want in a 58mm

The Sigma is a 62mm

So the sigma could be of use because it has same filter size as my 70-300.

Or is there a accessory out there to fit multiple sizes of lens? I dont own any filters yet but I will be trying them out sometime and maybe buying less will benefit me in the future.

Well really the only filters I use is a CPL and an ND - and even then I don't use either very often. Probably once in a blue moon really. Most anything else you would use a filter for you can accomplish in post, the only other filter I might consider adding would maybe be a star filter, but I'd only need one of those on a wide angle lens for stuff like cityscapes. Since I don't shoot a lot of those I haven't bothered to get one yet but something I might look into once I add a wide angle zoom in my kit.
Hmm thanks. I guess theres not really much reason id put a ND filter to my 62mm lens unless it was piggy back mounted to telescope which is rare, But then I have ND filters for telescope so would make this filter pointless for this lens. So maybe was just looking for a excuse to finally make mind up on a macro lens.

I guess filters I would use would only be on the wide angle lenses anyway.

One of the filters I bought had step down rings with it. That being the case, you can get a step down from 62mm to a 58mm and get the Tamron lens you are wanting and still be able to use the filters for the 62mm.
Oh great thanks will have to look out for these step down rings. Good to find out the correct words for something when writting what I thing something is called to google takes a while to get what i am looking for.
You can get full range of stepping rings on ebay for a few dollars.

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