Showing Clients Photos of Poses

hey whatever works for you! Not trying to offend anyone, I am just saying I personally wouldn't advise it. I feel like it could even backfire if the pose doesn't turn out exactly as they thought...or if it doesn't look "as good" or what not as the posing guide.Also, my goal is natural posing so trying to copy a pose off a photo just doesn't work. I try instead to guide my clients into a pose/interaction that feels natural and normal to them. To each his own :very_drunk:

I didn't for a minute think you were trying to offend anyone :)
I do find a glass of wine or two before they step in front of the camera also helps nervous clients to relax! :trink39:
Who said anything about drinking before the session? I start mine out like that :p
austin urban engagment photographer_paigewilks.com_0066.jpg

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