Sigma Vs. Canon - 15mm f/2.8 FE

Village Idiot

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Mar 20, 2008
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Shepherdsturd, WV / Almost, MD
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I think I'm going to buy one of these. Does anyone have experience with either? I read somewhere that the sigma has 7 aperture blades instead of 5 and is supposed to be a little better than the Canon. They're both almost the same price. Is there any reason not to?
Was going say that I have both. But when I looked they are the Canon EF 14mm f2.8L and Sigma FD 14mm f3.5 Got the Sigma back when I was shooting with a Canon A1, use it a far amount and was very happy with it. When I switched to EOS1 (film) I still used the A1 too so I did not rush to replaces it. But after adding the 10D and 1DmIIn to my line-up I stop using the Sigma 14mm. About 2-3 years ago I got the Canon 14mm, have not used it a lot because initial it seemed a little soft to me. But the last time I used it seems better. So that all I have to say and it's not much help too :lol:

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