Some Biking


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2009
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A few shots from a while ago. It was my first time shooting any biking. It was tricky to get some of the right angles because of the time of day and lighting. Criticism is welcome.





#1: Nice. I like the angle of the photo, but it just screams "slow shutter!" to me. ISO 400 is probably too slow. maybe you could bump it up to 800 and (if that's not enough to freeze the action) maybe even underexpose a bit. With a faster shutter and a lower POV, I think this photo would be a winner.

#2: similar problems to the ones in #1.

#3: It's like the friendly twin of #1. Lower POV and faster shutter speed. i would still raise the shutter speed and lower the angle a little.

#4:Meh.. I don't know. Angle looks boring to me. And the shutter...

#5: I'd have moved to the left side. I think this shot would REALLY benefit form seeing the guy's face. Oh, and a lower POV...
Your F-stop is too high in all of these. A larger aperture will allow you a faster shutter as well as more separation between subject and background.
Thanks guys. KKJUN it was pretty hard to get the right angles/lower POV because of the area arond the jump. It was all dug out and i was standing on a log over a lot of mud that I didn't feel like standing in. Thanks for all the tips though I'll keep all that in mind for the next time.
#3 is the only one that I find appealing. Still not bad attempts though, better than some of mine. It can be dark in forests which makes things hard. I might have a shoot tonight of amte doing some jumps, if I can finish work before it gets dark. I have one external speedlight which will help though.

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