Some interesting macro shots...C&C welcome


TPF Noob!
Dec 28, 2010
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Amherst Nova scotia
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

I am noticing now that #1 is maybe over exposed and you can see the brown from the table a tad in 2 of the corners
What effect were you trying to achieve? The composition seems a bit boring to me, #2 looks like you have some vignetting going on. I like #1 better as it has some color but needs a crop job. just my .02
I agree...I am totally new to this, but I tried this in gimp and thought it was pretty cool

I cropped this one a little

Not what I think of when I think macro...

Iron the sheet underneath so that it looks sterile, like a hospital or doctor's office would. Maybe?
I agree I think if you ironed that sheet you would have some neat shadow play to work with.
I wouldn't give up entirely. These are not really macro shots, so you set yourself up for criticism right away. They certainly could be interesting subjects...if you play with the composition of your shots. You do not need a DSLR for that. Sometimes symmetry is a good thing...sometimes not. I like to think about unusual perspectives...viewpoints not normally taken.
No that is not what I mean...I just can't seem to achieve the photos I wan't and the photos I thought were good I was told were crap

Like these... I thought they were pretty darn good but was critizied about them all

And it is supposed to be constructive but people seem to be quite harsh and make smart a** comments
It's not that they aren't good photos, but you ask for C&C so people will nit pick the minor(or major) things that they personally think could be improved. Everyone is just trying to help not bash your skills. We're all here for a common interest, and helping one another achieve better photo's is the objective. You can still get great shots without a DSLR you just have to approach it differently and work within the limitations of your camera.

For about I year I did macro photography with a cell phone camera and 2x 5x 10x triple magnifying lens I got for $5 at radio shack. That's all I had to work with, I just appreciated my DSLR and designated macro lens that much more when they became available.
only way to improve is to find out what went wrong and work on making the next shot better. shots that i thought were great a few months ago i go back and start finding issues with. dont get so upset by what random people on the internet say. read what they have to say, decide wether you agree or disagree with there points and move on its not worth getting upset by people you don't even know.

the photos you just posted of the flowers are better then some ive seen and they are also worse then others ive seen. if someone told you "you suck" on the paintball field would you walk off and go home. or would you reload and try harder to smoke them?
It's not that they aren't good photos, but you ask for C&C so people will nit pick the minor(or major) things that they personally think could be improved. Everyone is just trying to help not bash your skills. We're all here for a common interest, and helping one another achieve better photo's is the objective. You can still get great shots without a DSLR you just have to approach it differently and work within the limitations of your camera.

For about I year I did macro photography with a cell phone camera and 2x 5x 10x triple magnifying lens I got for $5 at radio shack. That's all I had to work with, I just appreciated my DSLR and designated macro lens that much more when they became available.

Uh, is that Dilaudid next to the needle?

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