Some old slides got me wondering...


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Jul 16, 2015
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Found a stack of old slides circa 1979 documenting my trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. They've held up fairly OK. Here is a sample (scanned in and tweaked in photoshop):

Philmont Scout Ranch 1979
by Peeb, on Flickr

Question: do analog shooters still rely much on slides, or is it mainly prints?
I wonder how many digital images taken today will be around in 38 years............
Found a stack of old slides circa 1979 documenting my trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. They've held up fairly OK. Here is a sample (scanned in and tweaked in photoshop):

Philmont Scout Ranch 1979
by Peeb, on Flickr

Question: do analog shooters still rely much on slides, or is it mainly prints?

First, that is a fantastic shot. Love it!

Second, although negative film is definitely more popular, there is still plenty of slide film being shot by those who are still devoted to film.
Sweet photo!!!! I love collecting old photos and's part of history that should not be lost.
Thanks! I personally liked slides because I found it cheaper in the long run to only make prints of the 'keepers' and if I get back into film I might just start with slides again. I never thought about the slides being 'unforgiving' but in hindsight maybe I was making life hard on myself!

A couple more just for fun (not technically great, but....)

I wonder how many digital images taken today will be around in 38 years............

I'd say zero or one (a digital joke).

I wonder -- will older digital images be view-able with all the inevitable changes in image formats and media in the coming years? For example many of the first consumer digital photos were stored on floppy disks. That wasn't very long ago and already floppies are a largely obsolete media type.
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I wonder how many digital images taken today will be around in 38 years............

I'd say zero or one (a digital joke).

I wonder -- will older digital images be view-able with all the inevitable changes in image formats and media in the coming years? For example many of the first consumer digital photos were stored on floppy disks. That wasn't very long ago and already floppies are a largely obsolete media type.

And this is why its important to keep shooting film.

I have some slide film. I don't shoot with it much due to the cost but I do love it.
Some people shoot chrome for the look/quality I think rather than to bore their family having to sit thru a slide show like when we were kids.
Id love to shoot 8x10 slide and mount them to custom made 8x10 light table frame on the wall for a showing

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