Sparrow Hawk

John 2

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Apr 17, 2022
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Preston Lancs_NW UK.
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Birds of Prey are fairly rare around here. We occasionally see some Peregrine Falcons that nest and breed in the spire of St. Walburge's Church down in the city but this Sparrow hawk paused at the end of the garden on Thursday evening and sat for long enough for me to grab a camera.

Fuji X-T4 Fuji 70-300 + 2x
Sparrow Hawk copy.jpg
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Not jealous. Nope, not at all.

A bird I've never photographed. Excellent.
Beautiful shot! Congrats!
Nice shot.
Thanks all. I can't think how many times I tried to capture a Raptor when I've been out with a camera, and failed. Even though I have always said you have to wait for wildlife to come to you I didn't expect one to turn up of it's own accord like this one.

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