spring has died for me.


TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2007
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Newfoundland..Due East
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just as we thought the snow was gone, grass was showing and sun was shinning...BOOM, 25 cm of snow last week, and today..we are currently getting 40-65cm!!:banghead: this is getting to be to much now, it should be sunny and grass and birds and flowers!!!:soapbox:

i am not a happy person at the moment.
We are not getting it like you are getting it...but we had a nice long stretch of spring-like weather...only to be slapped with another dump of snow.

On Saturday, some little girls came to my door and offered to shovel my sidewalk and driveway for $10. So I paid them and they did.

Sunday comes and there is another dump of snow. :(
I saw on the news that you were due to get like 50 cm. Soooooo sorry!!!!!!!!!
i heard 40 yesterday, 50 this morning and now there saying 65!, but they did close school 2 hours early so we wouldent get stuck:)
Got much shovellling to do???? I've seen pictures of the drifts in parts of Quebec, but I think you guys have received even more snow than they have
shoveled twice so far,the storm started at around 2:00 Newfoundland time and its 4:50 now..it just keeps drifting in..tommorow shall be a fun day:meh:
*Enjoys the colorful, pretty flowers and green grass* :lol:

*Knows it will probably decide to snow next week* :x
We last got snow that stuck in.....1982, if I recall correctly.

You don't want to hear about our sunny mini-golf outing in shorts yesterday do you? No, I didn't think so. :lol:
well for me, i have to drive faaaar to see snow, i love it, but cannot live in it. Georgia has the weirdest weather ever. One day it is sooo cold, and the next it feels like summer, NO MATTER WHAT the season. it can get irritating.

So for variety, Move to Georgia. :)
Georgia has the weirdest weather ever. One day it is sooo cold, and the next it feels like summer, NO MATTER WHAT the season. it can get irritating.)

I'm just curious what you classify as soooo cold...... just last night here it dropped down to about -20 (-4 in Farenheit). I'll trade ya..... :er:

Libby, how close do you live to the storms that ravaged georgia?
Libby, how close do you live to the storms that ravaged georgia?

I live only an hour and a half from atlanta.

and cold to me.....is like......45-50. yep..i can't stand even that. so imagine me where you are.
One of my friends works in a hotel right next to the Westin, in Atlanta.She said they did not even hear the tornado come through. Just the sirens in the buildings went off.
And here, we did not get any tornados. Which is surprising, because we def. have our share. Just last year, it demolished so many parts of our town. It took out neighborhoods, hotels, restaurants, and whatever else....messed up Hwy 185 or i-85..whatever you want to call it.

it was horrrrrrrrrible.
but did you hear about that on the news?, NAHH.
my front deck which is 5 steps high, is completely gone...my front door cannot open, nor my side door!! no school if this keeps up though!:)

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