stairs to the fight...V 2.0


TPF Noob!
Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
Iraq, but from Missouri
well i took alot of criticism on the last one, so i thought i'd attempt to make up for it. asking for c&c. i think it's alright.:sexywink:

much more visually interesting. I don't do technical but I do like this shot a lot. The lines are nice.. Might be more powerful with fewer lines but not much you can do about that. The boots get a little lost in all the strong competing lines but it is a nice shot.

just curious why the heck do they need a raised walkway there. Does it rain that much.
maybe try putting the boots at the bottom and take a picture looking up the stairs.
if you had a few pair of boots it would say to me that people are having a meeting or something important at the top of the stairs.
I like this one more than the first version, the boots do add a lot of interest. I like how the hand rail leads the eye right to them. I think I like the perspective of the stairs on the first version better though.

I do agree that the shadows/lines are competing with the boots though.

Good on ya for trying again...keep at it.
This is definitely an improvement. Once you have your set up you might want to try different perspective for the shots too like straight down the stairs, on an angle, up the stairs, perpendicular to the stairs... you get the idea.
I like the shadows on that one. And the boots do add something.
now I know I dont have your permission to do this and if it isnt okay I'll come back and delete it asap... But in your case I think you want to learn so I'm going to take a chance.

I gave someone else this same advice recently.... Keep it simple sadie kiss Now I know that is used a different way were you are at the moment. but anyway I did a really sloppy crop to show what you had hidden inside all those lines.


You get all the basic elements cut down to the very minimal competition of lines. this probably isnt the best crop but I do think it is a might better. Sometimes less is better
thanks...i appreciate you trying, and i appreciate your effort.

please feel free in the future to edit anything i post up, weather it be a simple crop, or different settings. if do something different, post it up w/ the pic. thats how i learn. i've taught myself how to use photoshop. so i'm still learning.

thanks for the comments guys...i have a new pic for ya :)
As far as the photo goes I can't add anything to what everyone else has said but you might want to put "Okay To Edit" or something similar in your signature if you don't mind people editing.

Just saves you the hassle of saying in each thread

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