STOAT! Best day ever!


hmm I recognise this place! And some of you!
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May 1, 2008
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Yeah so today I had two mega firsts for me.
One was four otters swimming past, though the light got really harsh for them and whilst I saw them, which is fantastic for me, I didn't get a good shot. However even more special, to my mind, was this little gal who appeared and shot across in front of the hide for a few moments.


You can even see the black tip to her tail which denotes a stoat instead of a weasel (lesser weasel for those over in the USA) which is of comparable size and body markings.

Taken at RSPB Minsmere.
Canon 7D and Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 and 2*TC used
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do you think that's a Jill and not a Hob?
could be...a bit small and short coated for a Hob, unless its a relatively young one.
in their winter coats they can also be called ermines.

an absolutely brilliant capture!
she was literally posing perfectly for you.

instead of moving to Canada, I want to move to the UK now so we can get the big fluffy angora ferrets.
I'm no expert, but more she was known by a couple of people who frequent the hide/area and they noted she was a she so I'll bow to their superior stoat knowledge
Congratulations on your first stoat! I saw one a while back outside my work, was too busy nerding over it to take a photo (or try), probably will never see it again.
Sweet! Great capture too. I've only ever seen one on my travels through the countryside. The one I saw could have been a mink but only got a breif view of a dark streak running down the road. Very lucky indeed.
Great shot!

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Many thanks all! :)
weepete aye most of the time I've seen them its been a streak flashing fast over the road for a few seconds. Hardly time to really see it let alone get a photo

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