Strawberry Moon


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Mar 18, 2021
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The Colony, Texas, USA
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I tried various speeds and aperture settings, but this was the best I could get. One, I don't have a tracking motor, and the moon was noticeably moving in live mode, and two, the wind was actually moving the camera on the tripod, and I was using my iPhone to shoot the pic, and still got movement, but I like the surface features.
Isil2021062602 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

StrawberryMoon02 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr
Nice images. So, tell us more. What settings and focal length did you end up using for these?
Nice images. So, tell us more. What settings and focal length did you end up using for these?
Thanks! I used various combinations to try and find the best combo. This one was f/40 1/500 ISO 25600 at 400mm. If I had the foresight, I would have fixed the ISO at a lower setting to see what that produces. My brother's Questar with a tracking drive would have been wonderful.
On the second one, I noticed a crater that looks like an eye just to the left of center, which was intriguing. I'm going to have to read up on lunar photography.
Thanks! I used various combinations to try and find the best combo. This one was f/40 1/500 ISO 25600 at 400mm. If I had the foresight, I would have fixed the ISO at a lower setting to see what that produces. My brother's Questar with a tracking drive would have been wonderful.
I usually shoot it at much lower aperture and ISO. My latest was f/6.3, 1/160 @ ISO 400 and I've gone as low as ISO 100. But I wasn't fighting any wind. I've never noticed any issue with the moon's motion at those shutter speeds.

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