Sunset with Pelican


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Jul 21, 2018
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Perth, Western Australia
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Very nice scene.
You didn't give him a fish😱.

My first experience with a bird was a Pelican at the Melbourne Zoo when i was 3 or 4, remember eating a pie by the little lake they used to have there and he snatched it outta my hand.

Didn't know pelicans like 4 & 20 meat pies with sauce🤣.
Just think for years we thought they delivered babies lol
Just think for years we thought they delivered babies lol
Stalks and pelicans are related but are classed in a different order from each other. Stalks deliver babies and pelicans eat meat pies with sauce😉...
You didn't give him a fish😱.

My first experience with a bird was a Pelican at the Melbourne Zoo when i was 3 or 4, remember eating a pie by the little lake they used to have there and he snatched it outta my hand.

Didn't know pelicans like 4 & 20 meat pies with sauce🤣.

Pelicans are like Ibises, they'll eat basically anything..! 🤣

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