tamron 28-75 2.8


TPF Noob!
Apr 6, 2005
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ok guys,
i have to buy a new lens,a comfortable one,for travelling and stuff like that,still i want to have a good lens with good sharpness.
what would u advice me?(i have a nkon f 90 x)
my ideas are:

nikon 24-85 f/3.5-4.5
sigma 28-70 f/2.8
sigma 24-70 f/2.8
tamron 28-75 f/2.8

..i mean,u think that would be better to get an original nikkor lens,although i then have a f/ 3.5/4.5(because the quality of the picture is "soooo much better").or is still good some of the other lenses i pointed out?
i heard good stuff about the tamron 28-75 f/2.8 dx...what do u think about this???(i also heard that the tamron 28-105 f/2.8 is to soft...as well as the sigma 24-70 2.8.....is it true?)

give me a good advice......thanks!!!!
Well, I couldn't really say about that Nikkor you mention, but let me tell you my experience, in case it helps:
I had (still have, just don't use it anymore) a Nikkor AF 35-70 1:3.3-4.5. This is a lens that comes mounted in many bodies when you buy them. Initially I had your same thought, that being Nikkor it should be a good lens. But believe, it was not. Really disapointing (I already posted something about it here, trying to find advices for a new one -which finally was a 50mm 1.8 )
Then (before buying the 50mm) I started doing some research to find out why that Nikkor was so disapointing. What I learned is that you cannot just trust "Nikkor" brand. They do a lot of bad quality lenses, besides the great ones. I don't know if this really applies to all their lenses, but I was told that zooms with variable apertures are not any good. That would include the one you're behind. They have, for example, a 35-70 1:2.8 (if I remember well) that seems to be great. But then you pay for it! Notice: fixed aperture -and expensive! That was what I learned. I still don't know if that's accurate and applies to all lenses, but it probably is (maybe someone can comment on this).

Some of the others you mention I have read positive things about, as the Tamron dx. But my advice, if I can give some, would be to consider the possibility of one focal distance. 50mm would be my bet -of course it is, I just got one!
I'd pick the Tamron over either of the Sigmas, and probably over the Nikkor because it's faster. My opinion isn't biased at all by the fact that I have the Tamron and it lives on my Pentax 95% of the time.

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