

TPF Noob!
Jun 5, 2008
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Litchfield Park, AZ
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I was wondering if there is a telescope made that you can attach to a dslr? If not, what other product might you recommend? I really like taking pictures of the moon and my 200mm with 2x teleconverter is just not enough, and longer Canon lenses are seriously expensive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I believe you can mount almost any dSLR on almost any telescope. You just need a T-mount adapter (google it!) that fits the camera.
t-mount adapters are all over ebay. You just loose auto functions. Can even use the telescope as a normal lens to start you paparazzi business. :mrgreen:
One thing to keep in mind about using a t-adapter... you are opening up your sensor to a HUGE amount of dust if you are not using a glass lensed telescope (i.e. you are using a Newtonian with an open tube).

Cassegrains don't have this problem as much since they are (more or less) sealed (assuming the cassegrain has dust filter on the ports).
Honestly, you will get a much better response if you go to a forum that specializes in astrophotography. It really is a "different kettle of fish".

I am a member of, and recommend, Cloudy Nights.

Asking what kind of telescope you need is for astrophotography rather like asking "what kind of camera do I need to take a picture of a flower"... the answer, of course, is the same... "well... it depends..."
Honestly, you will get a much better response if you go to a forum that specializes in astrophotography. It really is a "different kettle of fish".

I am a member of, and recommend, Cloudy Nights.

Asking what kind of telescope you need is for astrophotography rather like asking "what kind of camera do I need to take a picture of a flower"... the answer, of course, is the same... "well... it depends..."

Thanks for the link sabbath999, I will check it out. :D
Holy mackerel I had no idea what I was getting into here, lot of studying to do before I do anything. If I make any progress with this I'll post the results here, wish me luck!
The one thing I can add is to make sure if you get a goto scope (computerized). That it can handle the weight of the camera you attach to it. Some of the smaller scopes can't handle that much weight and will strip the gears.
I was wondering if there is a telescope made that you can attach to a dslr? If not, what other product might you recommend? I really like taking pictures of the moon and my 200mm with 2x teleconverter is just not enough, and longer Canon lenses are seriously expensive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


If you took that photo, as I assume you did because posting others photos is against the forum rules, than I would say whatever your doing is working! GREAT SHOT!

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