The 5D Mark IV is officially out

Just makes no sense to me. I don't ask my truck to do track days. Expecting a DSLR to be an awesome camera and awesome video camera I think is a bit much.
So, what are the big improvements? Higher resolution and touch screen?

Naw, I'll wait another 3 to 4 years. I'll bet 5dmV will be much better.

I'm waiting for the 5D Mark X to come out!
It seems like the 5D4 is getting a tonne of people in the video world up in arms and although I can understand some frustration what I don't get is some of the downright hostility some (not here, mostly the drama platform of youtube) are expressing about the fact that a primarily still photography camera isn't hitting their every wet video dream.
I do understand that the codec is huge and the crop is horrible, but I also understand that Canon and other manufacturers sell Video cameras.

Not once have I seen a photographer pic up a (insert brand here) video camera and complain because it can't do a portrait with beautiful bokeh or get that long exposure landscape shot.
Asking any product to do multiple thing is making it to do them well. Not great.

The issue they have, and I somewhat agree, is that Canon's pricing structure is stupid, like way bad. Their mid range video cameras start at $12k. $12k! And frankly the specs of that particular camera aren't light years ahead of this $3,500 camera. So what they are frustrated about is that Canon will hobble its mark4 just so they don't cannabilize their video only line.

But, just wait until the Magic lantern folks work their magic and then this will be a serious contender.
Does it have a phone in it?
I was surprised the 120fps is 720p. The HDR video feature looks impressive and so does the grab a frame.

Has anyone researched the DR improvements of the mark iv? Im just curious how it compares to say the D750. Sorry if this was already discussed I haven't had much time to really look into myself yet.

I was waiting for the mark iv to decide if I was going to spring for a 5Dsr, I'm still not sure what the right move is for me yet. Personally I was really hoping for an articulating screen like the D750 has.

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