The complete how to guide of photographing Buzzards.


TPF Noob!
Feb 17, 2020
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First of all send your wife or husband out to do a bit of shopping, once they are completely out of sight go and pour yourself a long G&T, try and use a tonic such as that from the fever- tree range if you can. Personally I like an ice and slice but that is down to your own taste. Carefully take your G&T to the awaiting chair out in the sun, not forgetting at this stage to pick your camera gear up on the way through.

Once you have settled in it is now time to place the camera somewhere within easy reach, you most certainly won`t be needing it for at least 10 minutes. This gives you plenty of unhurried time to just relax, take in the rays and watch around you in a leisurely fashion. In this case it was only around ten minutes before a subject came into view, not really that good in all honesty, you should be aiming for at least 15-20 minutes of quality gin drinking, better still a bonus if you can sink two or three down before the big event.

Ok, with subject floating around before you it`s now time to pick up the camera, a really important thing to note at this stage of the game, under no circumstances do you want to be spilling any G&T in all the excitement, this schoolboy error is frowned upon by a lot of people. Once you have safely positioned the G&T and picked up the camera, it`s now time to fire a couple of shots off. Do not be disheartened if at this stage of the game the Buzzard has done a runner over the hills, there is always the next time, but far more important, there is always more G&T.

Very nice.........really good.
Nice shot. I'm not a G&T guy, being from Tejas I'm more a top shelf, blue agave tequila guy so for me, margaritas are choice.
Is there a whiskey/whisky version of this tutorial in the works? Or, failing that, possibly a vodka version?

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