The Life of a Red Panda

Agree on #3 for the win. How did you get him to stick his tongue out at you !
I never knew I was a Red Panda !!!!!!

Nice shots :icon_thumbsup:
Great shots. Which zoo was this? I normally just see them sleeping :)
Great shots. Which zoo was this? I normally just see them sleeping :)
The zoo in Duisburg, Germany.
And yeah, they sleep a LOT. Try to get there early and be patient. I stood there for a total of about two hours.
Also, try to find out the times when they are being fed. They will be awake then for sure! Good luck ^^
Great shots. Which zoo was this? I normally just see them sleeping :)
The zoo in Duisburg, Germany.
And yeah, they sleep a LOT. Try to get there early and be patient. I stood there for a total of about two hours.
Also, try to find out the times when they are being fed. They will be awake then for sure! Good luck ^^
I have one or 2 shots with their eyes open, I posted one in this thread:
Zurich zoo Photography Forum

I normally go to zoos with my gf, and I can't see her waiting around for 2 hours for these guys to open their eyes :)
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Beautiful animal. Great pictures too! The eyes especially stick out to me
Beautiful animal. Great pictures too! The eyes especially stick out to me
They really are beautiful and absolutely adorable. I just love these little fellas, I've always had a softspot for cute critters.

I have one or 2 shots with their eyes open, I posted one in this thread:
Zurich zoo Photography Forum

I normally go to zoos with my gf, and I can't see her waiting around for 2 hours for these guys to open their eyes :)
Sorry if this sounds a little bitter, but that is kind of why I love being single right now XD Love and affection are great and all, but being able to do what ever I want at all times is pretty damn neato.
And those are some very cool shots you have there! And don't worry about cutting his tail off a little. I find that they are very difficult to capture whole, which is why I like to emphasize their cute faces when they are close. When they are a little further away capturing their whole body gets relatively easy. And when you are lucky they are just lying around but awake, looking right at you. That's how I some times see her in the morning.
Love the Red Panda. Got a few good shots myself and good job. :)
Love the Red Panda. Got a few good shots myself and good job. :)
Thanks a lot^^

Funny story about her, when she was being fed at 2pm she went up to her bowl and took a dump into it...
This was her expression while the zoo keeper was cleaning it and preparing new food for her:
Red Panda by Mathias Appel, on Flickr
Sorry if this sounds a little bitter, but that is kind of why I love being single right now XD Love and affection are great and all, but being able to do what ever I want at all times is pretty damn neato.
And those are some very cool shots you have there! And don't worry about cutting his tail off a little. I find that they are very difficult to capture whole, which is why I like to emphasize their cute faces when they are close. When they are a little further away capturing their whole body gets relatively easy. And when you are lucky they are just lying around but awake, looking right at you. That's how I some times see her in the morning.

Well it does help if your gf is the director of the local zoo :801: I've not been behind the scenes yet, but if they need some photos for the zoo they know who to call-lol
Well it does help if your gf is the director of the local zoo :801: I've not been behind the scenes yet, but if they need some photos for the zoo they know who to call-lol
Now THAT sounds like a perk! :O If I had a girlfriend and she was the director of the zoo where I took these shots I would probably spend all day in the lemur enclosure and pet them so much it wouldn't even be funny anymore.
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