The ‘Notebook'


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 3, 2012
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Melbourne, Australia
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Yay! School break! Time for some hardcore TPF sessions!

Anaywayyy, just wondering guys. Do you carry a notebook full of any photographical information or tips when shooting? I remember a famous quote that said it is essential to bring a notebook at ALL times.

To be honest, I myself have a notebook. But there is not one hint of a ‘tip’ in there. I only use it for sketching down ideas, to help really plan my concepts. I just feel that bringing a ‘tip’ book will just…limit me in a way. As in, I don’t always want to follow those tips and I always want to try some fresh ideas. It’s basically my style. I do occasionally right down (ironic) how I achieved the idea. But I feel that my structural technique will just reflect in my photos, and I don’t want everyone of my pics looking the exact same.

SOO, do you guys carry notebooks? Please explain your answer!!:p

Looking forward to the replies!
Its always a good idea to have something to write on. Doesn't matter what you use it for as long as you use it.

Tips, tricks, notes about different stuff, depends on what you shoot, how you shoot etc is how you use the notebook.

Sounds like you use yours in a way that benefits your shots and helps you understand composition.

So try this out, when sketching, keep the scene in mind, and maybe jot down some in camera settings you'll use to get that shot, test it, then when you like your exposure, jot down what you actually used. Sure, its in the EXIF, but now its all in one place and you can refer back.
Yeah, haha. I don’t use it that much for the composition aspect. But more like, just the technique
I've got a steno-pad shoved into pretty much every bag I own. I'll write down anything from a lighting-setup that worked really well to an idea I had and want to try to, "Pick up eggs and milk on the way home!"
Yes, I have a "notebook"--it's an Android smartphone. :D

Actually, I do still carry a small notebook and pencil with me in my bag as well, but I do use Evernote on my phone a lot. Sometimes, I just jot little notes about places or things I've seen that I want to go get photos of when I have more time; sometimes, I might create a "project"--snap a photo of something I like, with my phone camera, then add notes about how I want to set it up when I can come back and photograph it with my DSLR. I just did that the other day; saw this cool house but didn't really have time to stop, plus it was the wrong time of day for it. Snap a picture, put it in Evernote, along with notes about where it is and how I "see" the photo being done when I get a chance.

I've got a few HDR notes in Evernote right now, since that's something I'm just learning. Took some of the things I learned after my first attempt (both things I realized myself after processing the photos, and things I learned from others here), and stuck them into an HDR folder. So now, next time I try HDR exposures, before I set up the shot, I can look in that, and "remember" some of those things that I sometimes forget in the heat and excitement of getting the shots.
I carry a notebook and a color temp wheel for when a gel is needed.
For almost anything commercial, it's probably a must to take notes sometimes, in some form;
but as a stroll-around snapper, I've never carried a notebook, that I can recall.
I use a voice recorder app on my phone. I can talk a lot faster than I write, and I don't misspell anything either.
For almost anything commercial, it's probably a must to take notes sometimes, in some form;
but as a stroll-around snapper, I've never carried a notebook, that I can recall.
Yeah, if it was for a client, i would take down some notes as they might like that type of style
Oh wow, really? Never heard of that feature, haha! That is not actually a bad feature, just like sparky’s idea

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