Top ten most irritating phrases...

"I'll be right back. "

They never show up anyways. :lol:
'You get me'


'You get wat I'm sayin'

Ahh I hate those phrases.
"pre-planning" ... Ummm... you're going to plan to sit down to plan??? That's like having a meeting to have a meeting...

All of THE sudden
A whole 'nother

...thank you, Stewie Griffin
Jeez! Y'all wiped out my entire vocabulary.:clap:
How about
"I'm just saying" or "I am just throwing that out there"
Not so much what they say but it's what they don't.. people that hang up without saying goodbye! only takes a split second to say it, jeez!

"hap'nin?" (happening?)- used as a greeting, and it's getting old now.
This might be a Scottish thing only..

When we say to our kids or whoever something which should sound like "I'll teach you boy!!" some people actually say "I'll learn you this boy!!" That REALLY bugs me!

You don't learn anybody anything.. tut tut!
"So don't I" when they are meaning, "So do I."



And I hate when the word "ax" is used instead of "ask" and nobody calls the person on it.
Oh, a thing I hate to hear on German television or radio (or by anyone else, for that matter, like in normal conversations, though there it does not seem to happen) is them saying "in two-thousand and eight", when it is "two thousand eight". No "and" goes between the thousands and the smaller numbers!!!

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