Tufted Titmouse


TPF Noob!
Feb 24, 2005
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Another taken in backyard.


aaaw, whatta cutie!
Amazing capture! and love the little berries, they add that little special touch! :thumbup:
Gorgeous shot. I have tried some 'bird photography' and I must say, probably one of the most difficult time, with the constant movement and intrusion of branches. This image is as sharp as a tack with wonderful DOF, as well as the nice hint of colour on the berries.
awesome! what did you do that the bird didn't fly away??? every time I want to take a photo of a bird it flies away :(
beautiful, as usual. you've got quite the variety of birds in your back yard. I'm jealous, I only get pigeons... :grumpy:

maybe the occasional hummingbird if i'm lucky...
Awesome capture. Love the compo in this. And the 2 little coloured berries in there too. Very nice.:thumbup: :thumbup:
mentos_007 said:
awesome! what did you do that the bird didn't fly away??? every time I want to take a photo of a bird it flies away :(

Hey, I think I can answer your question. I went to a hunting/fishing store recently and I saw some scents that you can put on yourself that will attract different birds. There where at least 30 or more different scents for almost all types of birds. So, you might wanna try that out.
Beautiful bird and such awesome detail! Excellent! :thumbup:

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