Uploading to copyright office using eco system


Completely Counter-dependent
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Mid-Atlantic US
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I've been reading a lot about this and have some unanswered questions.

Any input on these and surrounding issues would help:

1) should the images be full-res as finished or can reduced screen-size shots be adequate?

2) Any idea on the best way to calculate best sizes for zipped batches of files to minimize cost/picture?
Do you prepare multiple zipfiles and feed them one at a time?

3) does the upload speed on eco vary by time of day?


Oh, and I'm certain the question has come up, why I would worry about theft of my images.
Good question,
no real worries.
I've been reading a lot about this and have some unanswered questions.

Any input on these and surrounding issues would help:

1) should the images be full-res as finished or can reduced screen-size shots be adequate?
I upload reduced screen size shots, 900px on the longest side.

2) Any idea on the best way to calculate best sizes for zipped batches of files to minimize cost/picture?
It doesn't matter. It's $35 for the whole batch/set/compilation. You don't have to register each one seperately with a seperate cost for each, and they can be done over a span of several zipped volumes.

Do you prepare multiple zipfiles and feed them one at a time?

3) does the upload speed on eco vary by time of day?
No idea. I just load them up and forget about them, do other things, check back every so often, until the job is done. No big deal, really.

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