User Gallery


TPF Supporters
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Supporting Member
Mar 29, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Across the top of the TPF page is a scrolling feature called User Gallery. There's some great work there, but so many of the user names are unfamiliar, and many show posting dates going back into early 2000. My questions for anyone who can shed light on it:

1. Why would I post here rather than in one of the active threads?
2. Is this just an ongoing file that isn't maintained to keep it fresh with newer content?
3. How does the scrolling feature choose images? Random or doe it start at one end and go to the other, then repeat?

I'm confused as to why it exists.
Smoke, it's a feature of the last upgrade, apparently. It's a completely random selection from member galleries, and why folks create their user galleries is a personal choice. If you have your own website of favorite shots then you'd likely store them all there. Recall that this forum was created before platforms like Flickr or other photo sharing sites, so this was a great option - which likely explains why most of what gets pulled is from members who were more active at that time.

It exists because the software doesn't delete old user galleries and that's what the software was written to pull from. If you had a gallery here for your own purposes, your images would likely get pulled too. Hope this helps.
@terri thanks for the explanation. Sad that there isn't a better utilization for the Gallery, as there's some really good images on there but I also see many names I've never seen contributing in the forums.

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