UWO Football - UWO vs UofT, 10/13/07


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
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The University of Western Ontario played their last home game of the season against the University of Toronto. The final score was 44-1 in favour of the Mustangs, dropping UofT's record losses in a row to 48, dating back to 2001.

#1 - The Mustangs running onto the TD Waterhouse field. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#2 - Refs at the anthem. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#3 - UWO QB Michael Faulds in action. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#4 - UofT RB Kris Newman breaking out for a run. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#5 - UWO RB Randy McAuley breaking out for a run. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#6 - UWO RB Randy McAuley scoring his first of two touchdowns. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#7 - UWO QB Michael Faulds leaping for the goalline. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#8 - UofT DB Nick Snow, showing UWO WR Jesse Bellamy the cold fist. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#9 - UWO coach Greg Marshall firing up the troops. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#10 - UWO DL Tomas Dolezel chasing down UofT QB David Hamilton. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#11 - UWO WR Dave Clayton, running with the ball. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#12 - UWO DB Kelvin Mwangi, breaking up a pass intended for the UofT receiver. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#13 - UWO LB Andrew Rady (#53) celebrates DB Nick Kordic's interception returned for a TD. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.

#14 - Another pass incompleted. UWO beat UofT 44-1, 10/13/07.
you need less DOF, so the background isnt so distracting. i like the picture of the refs

Yeah, I know. The one thing that has me hung up so far on the DOF issue is that the camera I'm using has a lowest aperture of 3.2/3.6, which isn't too too bad...yet the depth of field seems that much wider from my camera than on cameras that are only using, say, a f/2.8. I wouldn't think 1-2 f/stops would make that much of a difference in DOF, but it would appear it does? I'm going to hold up the "shoot me now, I don't know what I'm doing" sign by asking if the fact that I'm using a point and shoot camera would affect this at all. I know that depth of field is controlled by f-stop + distance to the subject, but using a fairly large zoom on my camera doesn't seem to yield the results of more professional cameras + lenses, and I can't help but wonder if that does play a factor.

Man I'm probably going to regret that question. Hah.
the sensor on a P&S is smaller so the DOF doesn't have as great as an effect :p

Well then, with my 40D due to arrive this week and a couple more sports events on the horizon, I'm looking forward to the difference. Thanks, joe
The ref picture is very cool, definately my favorite.

Nice pics, they would be better if the backgrounds were a little more blurred.

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