What are your 10 favorite movies ?

This was actually rather difficult for me! They are in no particular order with the exception that #1 is my absolute favorite:

(01) The Princess Bride
(02) Shaun of the Dead
(03) First Knight
(04) The Untouchables
(05) Green Street Hooligans
(06) PS I Love You
(07) The Notorious Bettie Page
(08) Peter Pan (2003)
(09) Robin Hood (Disney Animated...you know, with the foxes)
(10) The Holiday

^ +1 How could I have left THAT off? The Princess Bride is right up there with The Sting and Butch Cassidy for me!
I still watch Heavy Metal once a year or so... lol... and jam on the Soundtrack more often than that...

lol Love that soundtrack!!
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This was actually rather difficult for me! They are in no particular order with the exception that #1 is my absolute favorite:

(01) The Princess Bride
(02) Shaun of the Dead
(03) First Knight
(04) The Untouchables
(05) Green Street Hooligans
(06) PS I Love You
(07) The Notorious Bettie Page
(08) Peter Pan (2003)
(09) Robin Hood (Disney Animated...you know, with the foxes)
(10) The Holiday

^ +1 How could I have left THAT off? The Princess Bride is right up there with The Sting and Butch Cassidy for me!

Yep.. Princess Bride is great! I like Legend too! and The Labyrinth with David Bowie...
Ahhh^^^^ fun stuff!! Do you like The Black Crystal too?
Ahhh^^^^ fun stuff!! Do you like The Black Crystal too?

Isn't that 'The Dark Crystal'? I'm not sure if I've seen it - if I have it was (obviously) too long ago to remember it.
Yes, Dark Crystal....lol Creepy puppets! Labyrinth is good stuff. Man, now I want to watch it...lol
cwcaesar said:
Here goes:

1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Tombstone
3. Star Wars (Can't break it up-it's a Trilogy, lol)
4. The Matrix
5. The Godfather
6. Forrest Gump
7. Dark Knight
8. Indiana Jones (except the last one)
9. Despicable Me
10. Goldfinger (or most other James Bond films)

Forrest gump and despicable me +1
In no order:

V for Vendetta
Hope Floats
The Vow
A Night at the Roxbury
Big Daddy
Angels in the Outfield
Pursuit of Happiness
Big Fish
kathythorson said:
Oh my, there are too many...in no order...
Simon Birch
Forrest Gump
Sweet Home Alabama
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
The Other Sister
Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
ANYTHING with Will Ferrell!
The Notebook
Dumb and Dumber
Napoleon Dynamite
Pretty Woman
American Beauty

Rain Man is awesome! Part of it was filmed in my town.
A couple of baseball movies.....

The Natural - Robert Redford
Bull Durham - Ken Costner
Field of Dreams - yeah, him again
A League of Their Own - Tom Hanks
Moneyball - Brad Pitt
Bad News Bears - Walter Matthau

There's a few more, but my memory is failing
kundalini said:
A couple of baseball movies.....

The Natural - Robert Redford
Bull Durham - Ken Costner
Field of Dreams - yeah, him again
A League of Their Own - Tom Hanks
Moneyball - Brad Pitt
Bad News Bears - Walter Matthau

There's a few more, but my memory is failing

I love ALL of those! I generally love all baseball movies. Have you seen Trouble with the Curve? It's fairly new. I enjoyed it.
@Rick also forgot to mention, I'm looking for small martini glasses look the ones they drink from and I wear fedoras like Nick Charles when ever the chance presents itself.

One line I do use from those movies that still works today, "You women sure do take a lot of punishment!"

Look on ebay. However, those types of martini glasses are a bit difficult to locate. The wife and I used to collect martini glasses until the collection got so big that we sold off most of it. You know one of my favorite moments of the The Thin Man series is at the beginning of the first one when Myrna Loy makes what is probably one of the greatest entrances in movie history. It is while Nick is in the bar showing some fellows the proper way of mixing martinis and Asta is pulling Nora in, who is carrying Christmas packages, and she trips and falls flat on her face, and that is the first glimpse we have of Nora Charles

Nick: Oh, it's all right, Joe. It's all right. It's my dog. And uh, my wife.
Nora: Well, you might have mentioned me first on the billing.
Nick: The dog's well-trained. He'll behave himself.

Great stuff. I used to have a crush on Myrna Loy, even when I was a kid. She was the ultimate stand-up broad.....;)
Cannot narrow it down to just 10, but I'm just a few over the limit:

Schindler's List
Grumpy Old Men (& Grumpier Old Men)
Titanic (any version)
Ramen Girl
Second Hand Lions
Dirty Dancing
The Party
Terminator 2
Rocky Horror Picture Show

Lost in Translation
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
A Civil Action
The Princess Bride
Cheech & Chong Up in Smoke

Someone should start a Top Ten TV Shows thread, that might be easier to limit to just 10!

Second Hand Lions was AMAZING!

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