What Makes Me Angry


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Dec 28, 2011
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Nothing like watching a video showing Russian neo-nazi's luring a 17 y/o gay kid into a house, making him get naked and into a tub where they yell anti-gay slurs and stuff at him, pour urine on him, ect. while he's crying.

I'm not going to post the video because of the obvious nude minor, but if you really want to watch it (which I suggest you do to see how LGBT are treated in other places) then just search

On the Youtube. Definitely NSFW, and should be flagged
Well it was at least flagged (deleted) here.
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I'm pretty jaded to a lot of the world's heinous things, but that would anger me greatly, also. Stupid a$$h0les should be trotted naked to a Siberian prison. It doesn't at all surprise me, though. Intolerance and violence are alive and thriving, sadly. I think I'll pass on this particular video; I've seen many.
I got get angry whenever a strong person( financially, by designation or by health) takes advantage of a miserable. My blood starts boiling everytime....
I agree. You should see how people are being treated in Syria every day.
Or Uganda. Is it their country that upholds the death penalty for homosexuality? I believe so but I'm not sure. Uganda kinda sucks in general, though.
Just wanted to pop in with *this* little tidbit I found

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(not watched, link deleted) I sense a lot of anger here. Did the video accomplish its goal?

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