"What the f%$ is that?

Igor Lubenski

TPF Noob!
Nov 16, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
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A bird? plane?

That's a pretty cool shot. Great sharpness and nice DOF. You really wonder what he is looking at. I don't know if you did any post processing but you could enhance the highlights in his eyes to make them stand out a little more. Just a suggestion. :)
That's a pretty cool shot. Great sharpness and nice DOF. You really wonder what he is looking at. I don't know if you did any post processing but you could enhance the highlights in his eyes to make them stand out a little more. Just a suggestion. :)

thank's man [:
can you show me how to do that?
i have some ways but they are pretty basic,and after viewing your gallery on גDA i would love to get some tips from you,how you do these things :)
you can write in private...

as for the post processing:

duplicated the base twice,than used chanel mixer to turn it b&w,than changed it to multiply.
and than i used shadow/higilht on the layer before the channel mixer, to bring back some details...
tjan i sharpened the eyes,lips,eyebrows a litle bit...that's it.
i was late to school so i leaved it there (:)
Alright I PM:ed you with an Martin-edited version and a quick tutorial... :p
the expression is amazing, you really can find yourself asking what he's looking at

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