What Up To 819,200 ISO Looks Like


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Mar 29, 2016
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Playing with the new K1MII thought it would be interesting to do some side by side. All of these are SOOC without any editing including noise reduction. Initial experience with editing indicates I can get to at least 102400 with an acceptable image.

First one is ISO 12800

ISO 25600

ISO 51200

ISO 102400

ISO 204800

ISO 409600

ISO 819200
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Pretty amazing. But how much light are you gathering at ISO 819200?

@Ysarex Need to pick your brain. I just noticed that the metadata on all the above examples shows correct ISO up to 51200, but shows ISO 65535 on anything above that. What's up with that? Failure of technology to keep up, or have I failed to enter something in settings?
... so sounds like the Exif app has defined that variable as that type, so anything above would equal the max.
... when you work with computers enough, certain numbers tend to get embedded in the brain.
65535 is the highest unsigned 16-bit integer.

Interesting, I've been doing a little light reading on this. According to Wikipedia "65535 is the product of the first four Fermat primes: 65535 = (2 + 1)(4 + 1)(16 + 1)(256 + 1). Because of this property, it is possible to construct with compass and straightedge a regular polygon with 65535 sides" as well as several other interesting notations.
65535 is the highest unsigned 16-bit integer.

Interesting, I've been doing a little light reading on this. According to Wikipedia "65535 is the product of the first four Fermat primes: 65535 = (2 + 1)(4 + 1)(16 + 1)(256 + 1). Because of this property, it is possible to construct with compass and straightedge a regular polygon with 65535 sides" as well as several other interesting notations.

I thought photography was to be fun! Now you got me doing mathematics..... !!! :BangHead:

Happy Saturday my friend @smoke665 & everyone!

Enezdez :trink39:
While the number 819,200 sounds huge, it's only 4 stops more than ISO 51,200.

True but it's kind of like the John Deere Mower ad -

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